How to Cook Brown Rice
There are so many people who asked me how to Cook Brown Rice.So instead of making an article about the importance of Brown Rice I made a complete site.
Before we start the cooking process we star with cleaning our rice well. Do not wash your rice in a colander make sure you wash the rice thoroughly. Check your dry rice for stones. They are really there sometimes and believe me, your teeth will not be grateful. If you cleaned good the water is clear and so will be your rice. Just keep pouring the water over the rice until your water is clear.You get dirty rice to eat if you cook your rice with the white water of the dirty rice. So it gives you the bulging bellies if you eat it too often.
Now put the rice in your cookingpot.Ad water to the rice just cover it. Then put your middle finger on the rice. Not in the rice, but on top. The water should come to your first knuckle. That's enough water. Put the heat on high and let the water evaporate. Once you can't see any simmering water (you can hear) you put a lid on it. Let this steam for about 20 minutes. Sometimes it is finished in 15 minutes sometimes half an hour, it depends on the type of rice. This is the best way to cook brown rice .Similar to the white rice. It's really not a hard task and the outcome will be a very healthy meal!
Conclusion: Brown rice is the healthiest type of rice for weight loss and your overall physical health. What kind you eat brown rice (brown, wild, basmati, jasmine, etc.) does not matter in principle. The point is that the germ is still to the grain. Moreover, don't eat brown rice every day, but limit it to 1 or 2 times per week.
If you add up all the differences between brown and white rice , it is clear that brown rice is much healthier than white rice. Cook brown rice !! ..It has a better nutritional value and better protection against a lot of diseases. It therefore seems ridiculous that we find an overabundance of white rice in supermarkets and so few brown rice. It might be getting used to but once you've got around cooking brown rice you find out that it is at least as good as white. Maybe the next time you are at the grocery store it is best you keep looking until you find the brown rice because we know they have it!
Which do you prefer? Cook white or Brown rice? Did you notice something about the effects on your health? Send us your comments through, we want to know!
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